We all want to be the best.
That’s why I added a little something extra to my week by taking the time to learn from a master jeweler. I learned advanced techniques over five days that truly have changed the way I have practiced business for a lifetime.
There is something that I want you to know about me.
I love learning. My dedication to craftsmanship has always kept Avonlea Jewelers LLC as top quality. But choosing to learn from one of the best, Kristi Broussard, is something that I will never regret. She is a master, one of the best. If Mrs. Broussard’s 25 years of hands-on experience with setting stones isn’t enough to convince you to try this class, then maybe the fact that her attention is only between four people per class, will sway you. Five days with a master jeweler (25 years!) practically one on one is so much more valuable than any other courses out there.
But, above all else, this course has deepened my love and understanding of this business. Nowhere else would you get this level of attention or quality instruction.
Immediately after finishing this course I’ve already decided to take another one from Stuller Inc. I can’t wait! -and I hope to see you there.